Deutsches Meeresmuseum

Map 2015

City: Stralsund

Country: Germany

State: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


Opend 1975 (the museum 1951)


Species 300

The German museum of fishery shows a display of the history of fishery in Germany through its 4 branches. In this house you meet a regular collection of sharks, sea turtles and especially tropical fish

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2011

Deutsches Meeresmuseum
Katharinenberg 14-20
D 18439 Stralsund

Phone: 03831-2650-210




Open (minimum 10am-5pm, closed  24th december ) Closed for renovation to 2023




For Deutsches Meeresmuseum 

  • Adult 10,- Euro
  • Child 5,- Euro
  • Taking photos 1,- Euro

For Deutsches Meeresmuseum and Ozeaneum 

  • Adult 23,- Euro
  • Child 12,- Euro
  • Taking photos included

Anual card 

For Deutsches Meeresmuseum

  • Adult 27,- Euro
  • Child 12,- Euro
For all four branches
  • Adult 79,- Euro
  • Child 39,- Euro

  • 1251 Foundation of the Dominican Monastery St. Katharinen in Stralsund
  • 1317 Completion of the "Katharinen"-hall
  • 1560-1944 Usage of the monastery complex as orphanage, grammar school, arsenal and storehouse
  • 24th June 1951 Opening of the nature museum, which was founded by Prof. Dr. Otto Dibbelt. The small museum already displayed terrariums, local amphibians and reptiles and aquaria with bodden and Baltic Sea animals. It is the beginning of the German Oceanographic Museum.
  • 1957 Initiation of a complete rearrangement and enlargement of the nature museum. The "Meereskundemuseum" is founded and the first sea aquarium is constructed.
  • 1965 The first exhibition about marine sciences is built up.
  • 1974 The museum is now called "Meeresmuseum – Museum for oceanography and fishery" and hosts large exhibitions of marine sciences, marine biology and fishery as well as the first sea aquaria.
  • 1991 The now called NATUREUM is founded as the first branch of the Meeresmuseum.
  • 1992 Opening of another room with 15 sea aquaria with different biological themes, like poisonous sea animals, coral reef, brooding behavior, living fossils, symbiosis, as well as one contact basin, where crabs can be "petted".
  • 1993-94 Establishment of the Foundation "Deutsches Meeresmuseum". First donor is the Hanseatic Town of Stralsund, second donor the booster club.
  • 1994 Opening of the Hermann-Burmeister-Memorial in the reconstructed Burmeister house (Mönchstr. 45). The house hosts the scientific library as well as rooms and laboratories for the scientists of the Meeresmuseum.
  • 1996-98 Restoration and reconstruction of the "Katharinen"-hall, the roof and the aquaria cellar.
  • 1st June 1999 Opening of the new branch NAUTINEUM Dänholm
  • 30th January 2004 Opening of the 350,000 liter basin for the sea turtles and the museum bistro
  • 11th July 2008 Opening of the OZEANEUM with Chancellor Angela Merkel. One day later it is opened for the public.
After paying the entrance we take a first look at general oceanography and then the biodiversity of the oceans. Here we also meet the living species, the first 10 aquariums show species of the Northern Sea, the next 7 the Baltic Sea and the rest are for trapical waters. You meet fish like the Sea Stickleback, Small-spotted catshark, green sea turtle and the Comet. Going on in the museum we look at Germanys history of fishery. The last exhibition is about the co-exsisting between man and the sea.

DE: Dieses mittelgrosse Aquarium zeigt Fische wie der Seestichling, Kleingefleckter Katzenhai, Suppenschildkröte und Mirakelbarsch. Genau so interessant ist die Geschichte der Deutschen Fischerei und der Meereskunde

DK: Dette middelstore akvarie viser fisk som tangsnarre, rødhaj, suppeskildpadde og mirakelfisk. Mindst lige så interessant er den tyske fiskeries historie og oceanografi udstillingen
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